
NZLLA: Supporting the free, online Legal Gen AI summit 24-25 October 2023

06 Sep 2023

Kia ora koutou

Following on Terri Mottershead’s presentation about legal generative AI, I’m pleased to announce that the NZLLA is supporting the upcoming online and free Legal Generative AI Summit 2023, 24-25 October 2023.

There are 10 free one-hour sessions with over 30+ faculty on a range of topics. You choose and register for the sessions that are most relevant to you. These include:

• Learn how and why generative AI is transforming legal practice
• Understand how and why legal education is changing
• Learn and understand how/if generative AI can improve access to justice (A2J)
• Understand and prepare for the new integrated human and digital work and workforce
• Ask your questions of people working in the legal generative AI space from around the world

The Centre for Legal Innovation (CLI) was created by The College of Law in 2016, to act as an innovation-focused think tank. CLI provides a platform for through leadership, practical research, and opportunities for collaboration in the legal profession.

There is no cost to NZLLA, instead it is a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate our place in the conversations in legal gen AI. You will see our logo as a supporter on the programme, Summit website, CLI and COL websites, and in social media. Terri reached out to us after her presentation at our conference.

So be curious and continue your learning in this area!

Register online here.  It’s all free, so do pass on the details to those who may be interested in learning more about legal gen AI.

Ngā mihi nui
Erin Cairney
NZLLA President


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